def  myprint(arg):
    print  "arg.x"  , arg.x,"arg.y",arg.y
    print  root.winfo_pointerxy()

what i get is:
arg.x 102 arg.y 250
(103, 334)
arg.x 3 arg.y 1
(4, 85)
arg.x 1 arg.y 0
(2, 84)
arg.x 0 arg.y 0
(1, 84)

why  arg.x , arg.y  !==  root.winfo_pointerxy()

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "Cameron Laird"<>;
发送时间: 2011年9月1日(星期四) 晚上11:19
收件人: "Douglas S. Blank"<>; 
抄送: "tkinter-discuss"<>; 
主题: Re: [Tkinter-discuss] get  root.winfo_pointerxy()

On Thu, Sep 01, 2011 at 10:37:31AM -0400, Douglas S. Blank wrote:
> On 09/01/2011 10:21 AM,         wrote:
> >def  myprint():
> >     print  root.winfo_pointerxy()
> >
> >canvas.bind("<Button-1>",myprint)
> When you bind a function to the canvas, it is expecting a function that 
> takes an argument (which is probably the object to which the binding  is 
> bound).
> So, you could just allow myprint to take an argument, and ignore it:
> def  myprint(arg):
>      print  root.winfo_pointerxy()
I entirely agree with the counsel Dr. Blank has provided.
While I expect the original questioner has all he needs to
move forward, I'll provide a bit more detail for the
benefit of other readers.

Let's look at "arg", "which is probably the object to
which the binding is bound".  It's not; it's the detected
*event* (from which that object can be calculated, though)

That's not all.  One could temporarily update myprint's
definition to be something like

  def myprint(arg):
      print "arg is '%s'." % arg
      print dir(arg)
      print root.winfo_pointerxy()

to have Python's introspection report more information
about the argument.  

And *that* isn't all, either.  If one were somehow 
stranded-on-a-desert-island and unsure how many (not-
necessarily-named) arguments were arriving, one could
experiment with

    def myprint(*kw):
        print kw
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