> On 06/09/11 22:24, Alessandro Magni wrote:
> > Hi everybody,
> > I hope somebody here can give me a hand - I'm not so expert in GUI 
> > programming.
> > I tried - in a Tkinter program I'm writing - to embed a terminal
> > (linux here) in the main window - the program is a simple wiki, and I
> > believe it's useful to have a small terminal handy...
> > Optionally, I would like also to be able to let my program interact
> > with the terminal - at a minimum I'd like to read the current working
> > directory, and to set it.

> I've modified your little example above with some success:
> from Tkinter import *
> import os
> root = Tk()
> termf = Frame(root, height=200, width=400)
> termf.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
> wid = termf.winfo_id()
> os.system('xterm -into %d -geometry 400x200 -e /root/.bashrc&' % wid)
> root.mainloop()
                        .                       .
> Alessandro, when you write "Optionally, I would like also to be
> able to let my program interact with the terminal - at a minimum
> I'd like to read the current working directory, and to set it"
> and "... it doesn't work", I am unsure of your meaning.  John
> answered what I understand of your question about Tkinter coding
> well; do you also want help communicating between the xterm's
> $SHELL and the Python application, or do you have what you need
> for that aspect, already?

John, Cameron,
thank you so much for your help...
I feel a bit stupid, what was happening was a problem in the launch of
xterm (I mistakenly wrote an option), Tkinter works flawlessly...

Anyway I'm glad we talked about it since the general mood on
stackoverflow was - as I said - that a) it was a very complex problem
and b) you could not hope to solve it with such a joke as Tkinter.
Serve them right! I answered them with your help, let's see if they
can do it  in so few lines with pyGTK :-)

Anyway I'm still working on the interaction between the program and
the terminal: I dont know if it can be done internally by python, but
I found this program http://www.thrysoee.dk/xtermcontrol/ that could
help, I'm working on it...

thank you again

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