V Sun, 18 Dec 2011 16:48:40 +0100
Martin B <spooky...@tbs-software.com> napsáno:

sry i forgot add tag to object.
now i get bounding box of objects with canvas.bbox('mytag')

sry once more.

> Hi all,
> For my little app i need know last Y coord of object i created on
> Canvas.
> I'm creating a text Object. For his last X coord i use
> font.measure('bla bla bla') this working.But i want know last Y coord
> coz i need create next text object bottom.
> How i get Y if i create this text object
> create_text(0, 0, anchor='nw', text='bla\n bla\n bla', font=boldfont)
> thanks
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