I have a main module that includes this statement correctly:

self.fc_inFrame = LabelFrame(self.fc_Frame, height=150, width=300, text="Input 
File Type", labelanchor=NW, relief="groove", bd=4, font=self.boldfont)

When I move that statement to another module, I get:
_tkinter.TclError: unknown option "-bd"

If I change '-bd' to 'borderwidth' the error does not occur, but next I get:
_tkinter.TclError: unknown option "-font"

I've discovered that 'bd=4' and 'font=...' both work if I import:
from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename, asksaveasfilename, askdirectory
from Tkinter import *
import tkFont
from ttk import *

And they both fail if I import only:
from Tkinter import *
import tkFont
from ttk import *

Can anyone explain what is going on here?

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