On 11/03/14 03:27, memilanuk wrote:

appears I can use either a wildcard import, enclose it in quotes, or use
explicit reference e.g. tk.W.

My question is this:  How / why does this make any sense, that an
attribute (W) to an option (sticky=) would be imported at the same level
as widgets themselves?  Is it some artifact left over from tcl,

In a way it is a Tcl thing. The earliest Tcl including the original Tk did everything with strings using implicit conversion as needed. So in Tcl W and 'W' were treated as the same thing, no need for a constant.
When Tkinter was invented Python needed constants or strings so Tkinter
provided for both.

Personally, I generally use the strings for options.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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