
On Fri, 24 Jan 2020 16:44:30 +0000
Vasilis Vlachoudis <vasilis.vlachou...@cern.ch> wrote:

> Thanks
> That's the easiest from all, and for my purpose it works just fine
> Vasilis
> ________________________________
> From: Bryan Oakley [bryan.oak...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, January 24, 2020 16:04
> To: Vasilis Vlachoudis
> Subject: Re: [Tkinter-discuss] horizontal line in Text
> What I've done in the past is insert a single newline, and then apply a
> tag that uses a one or two pixel tall font, and then a background color
> or a border. When you add a tag on a newline, the background and border
> is always drawn to the right margin and is adjusted as the window is
> resized, yielding what looks like a line.
> def insert_hr(text, index):
>     text.tag_configure("hr", font=("Times", -2), background="red")
>     text.insert(index, "\n", "hr")
> insert_hr(text, "2.0")

thanks for sharing! You are right, this is much better than tinkering
with embedded Frames. It never occured to me that this could be done so



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                -- McCoy, "Shore Leave", stardate 3025.3
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