Hi Thomas, i would consider the autosend after 4 characters a interesting feature. To drop "Space" for manually starting this process would free this key to jump between callinput and exchangeinput (even for TRLOG this would be useful!). For the use with calls like P3N, it would be fine to use the normal log process and continue with ENTER.
If the call is exacly 4 letters long, autosend should work anyway.

73 Fred

On 11/05/2013 11:44 AM, Thomas Beierlein wrote:
Hi Fred and Martin,

I remember working on that autosend problem some time ago as we
implented the ESC handling to stop CW or step back in fields. I just
retested and right it does not work as I expected.

As it seems that I did not really understand what that function should
do until now here is how I read your last mails:

- As soon as there are a minimum of characters (2..4) in the call input
   field tlf should start sending the call sign entered so far.
- you can type further in call input and tlf will add that characters
   to the sending call
- As soon as the keying buffer is empty it will react as if you had
   pressed Enter and complete with sending the exchange.
- If you finally press Enter the qso gets logged.

Is it that what you need?

- How to handle calls shorter than that autostart value - use
   Enter as normally used?

- Trlog does the complete cw generation by itself. It therefore knows
   when the sending buffer is empty. Neither cwdaemon nor the usbdaemon
   gives us any feedback about that. So we have only to options:
   a) guess when the buffer MAY be empty (depending on the cw speed) or
   b) use a little timeout after each key (say 100ms, may also depend
   on the speed). If that runs out it means you are finished with the
   call sign and tlf should proceed with the exchange.

   I would prefer option b), it relatively easy to implement.
   Any other suggestions?

- Unluckily the different cwdaemon versions aroung (0.9.2, 0.9.4, 0.9.6
   and 0.9.7) are working differently. I hope that all will react the
   same way when implementing the above.

If I read your mails correctly the 'space' and 'down' handling to
start early can be dropped. In the light of Rein's mail you cited Fred
it seems they are only temporarily solutions.

73, de Tom DL1JBE

Am Tue, 05 Nov 2013 01:55:36 +0000
schrieb FS <dh...@freenet.de>:

Ok, interesting indeed. The functionality is basicly there, but
broken. I always wondered what such a important key like "space" does
in TRLOG mode. Well, it just doesn't work like intended (arrow down
is the same). The same is true for the :char command (autosend).
See the original meaning:

I think its a bug. ;-)

73 Fred

On 11/04/2013 07:39 PM, Martin Kratoska wrote:
Was: Re: [Tlf-devel] WAEDC QTC - v0.002 release :)
Dne 3.11.2013 22:09, Fred Siegmund napsal(a):
  > Hi Martin, which autosend feature do you mean? I worked with
  > TRLOGLinux and was not very satisfied, namely
  > the bandmap is very slow and there some inherited things from the
  > original program that are very stupid. Like its
  > not possible to edit the complete log. These are points were a
  > distinct progression from TRLog is visible (already
  > developed by Rein).
  > 73 Fred

Hi Fred,

the Autosend feature is that which is in TRlog activated with


(here the autosend starts at 4th character). Better is an example:

OK1RRA comes back to your CQ and you want to reply. So you type
OK1R (4 characters) and your program begins to send. You are now in
a hurry (a bit :-) because you must complete typing the whole call
till the sending procedure "catches" you, here you must add RA.
Then follows the exchange, the first ENTER logs in the QSO.

Some OPs hate this option, some (me including) are in love with
this. Except typing the call, you need only a single ENTER to make
a complete QSO. Isn't nice such option? Also, many other progs have
this feature...

Of course, I make thorough tests of any TRLOGLinux version but it is
still far away from an useful program. Many poor bottlenecks
inherited from the obsolete DOS version - not only the
impossibility to edit the complete log but the telnet operations,
the hardcoded (thus very limited) support of quite few radio
models, the predefined exchange types (an obvious quirk when the
program tries to think for the operator) and much more. Anyway,
TRlog (the original DOS version) introduced a new philosophy which
is still unbeaten today. tlf should get much inspiration here. QTC
handling in WAE is an example...

CW/SSB contesters here know all the tricks of N1MM, TR4W, WriteLog
and other powerful software packages used by winners. I believe
that tlf should come close to these top runners. First if meets all
requirements of top grade CW/SSB contesters, we should start with
digimodes. Now (it seems at least to me) is too early, there is a
danger that we will have an "universal multimode" program which
does all, but does all quite bad, with many unnecessary typing etc.
which can make a program useless for a tired operator, who is in a
contest for whole weekend.

Anyway, I am very happy with tlf. This is the reason of my support
of this software (TRLOGLinux and so2sdr being still ignored
here...). Kudos to all authors and contributors, also my apologies
that I am not a coder, I am just operator who can make some tests
and suggest and old, forgotten feature.

Martin, OK1RR

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