Hi Ervin,

just had a look into it. Thanks for preparing.

Please see my comment on the pull request.

As the call master database has a different sorting order as
before can you please give me some more information about how you
processed it?

73, de tom DL1JBE

 Am Sun, 17 Nov 2013
12:33:38 +0100 schrieb Ervin Hegedüs - HA2OS <airw...@gmail.com>:

> Hello,
> I've collected the participiants of few last WW contests, and
> updated the callmaster file, which modified at 3 years ago about.
> The previous version of callmaster contains about 41000
> callsigns, not it contains about 44000 - I think it's very
> relevant, because the number of participiants at last CQWW was
> abt 8000 - this means the 3000 new callsigns is very "fresh" :)
> Also updated the cty.dat (modified 2 years ago), which notified
> by AD1C Jim on this list.
> Pull request had been sent, hope Thomas will merged shortly to
> current tree, and everybody can use it at next weekend.
> 73,
> Ervin

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