o.k. here's the results with another cable (YASEU CAT cable clone bought from ebay. I can use only USB cables for my netbook)

067b:2303 Prolific Technology, Inc. PL2303 Serial Port

All the same behaviour - I can switch bands, change frequency but no frequency displayed.

tlf -v -d

 Welcome to tlf-1.2.0 by PA0R!!

reading country data
reading configuration data
Opening config file logcfg.dat
reading contest rules file: rules/qso
Using contest rules file:  rules/qso
reading callmaster data
HAMLIB compiled in
Rignumber is 122
Rig speed is 9600
Trying to start rig ctrl
Problem with rig link!
freq = 0
freq = 18070000
Rig set freq ok!
freq = 14000000

Somehow earlier pre1.2.0 versions were capable to handle those USB cables...

73, Zilvis LY2SS

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