Hi Nate,

Am Wed, 26 Sep 2018 13:05:50 -0500
schrieb Nate Bargmann <n...@n0nb.us>:

> * On 2018 26 Sep 10:31 -0500, Thomas Beierlein wrote:
> > It turns out that there is a problem in the parsing logic for the
> > log lines. It expects to have two entries for RST sent and
> > received. As ARRL-FD (and also SS) do not use RST in the log we
> > introduced the NO_RST keyword. That results in '---' written in the
> > log instead of 599 or so. Your logs miss that entry even while
> > NO_RST is in the rule file.
> > ...
> > So the question is: Why your log misses the --- for RST?
> > Looking into the code that feature is there from 2014 on. Maybe you
> > used an really old version of TLF?
> Ahh, that is due to a local modification I made for our Field Day to
> replace the '---' with spaces on the display.  I likely scrubbed them
> from the log as well not knowing what side effect that would have.
> My thought is that it would be less confusing for unfamiliar ops to
> not see the '---' strings on the screen.

Ok, so I will let the code as it is for the moment.

I suggest that we discuss a possible change if we should show '---' or
drop it completely later. Maybe we can also get some input from other
> This one is on me, then.  :-D
Never mind. "Only one who does nothing will make no errors."

73, de Tom DL1JBE

"Do what is needful!"
Ursula LeGuin: Earthsea

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