* On 2018 04 Nov 05:56 -0600, Thomas Beierlein wrote:
> Hi Nate,
> sorry, answering mails while in reality doing other stuff is a proven
> way to disaster...

Or entertainment?  ;-O

> > I note that '-n' does:
> > 
> >        -n     Start without packet/cluster.
> > 
> > in the manual page.  Does it do more?  I've not tried it as I rarely
> > use the cluster functionality.
> Same remark applies here. I was talking about the -v (verbose) switch,
> which slows down the messages.

I'll try that.

> Again, sorry for my confusion. Seems it is not my day.

Nor mine.  I started in ARRL Sweepstakes about an hour ago and I'm just
not very good with all those numbers!

I need to go back to bed...

73, Nate


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