* On 2019 23 Nov 08:26 -0600, Drew Arnett wrote:
> Portable is good.  So I'd ask if hamlib found it possible to support
> speed changes.

Yes.  It is done through the set/get_level functions in rigctl with the
KEYSPD token:

$ rigctl -m 229 -r /dev/rig 

Rig command: l
Level Value: 22

Rig command: L
Level Value: 18

Rig command: l KEYSPD
Level Value: 18

Rig command: b N0NB

Rig command: L KEYSPD 22

Rig command: b N0NB

Rig command: l
Level Value: 22

Rig command: 

Works on my K3.

> KX3 is only 3 wire serial CAT interface, so no RTS/DTR style keying
> possible.  In that case, I suppose a Y cable could be fabricated that
> fans out RTS/DTR to a separate key plug.  That's a bit tidier perhaps.
> Another difference between rigs.  Some have a jack for paddles and a
> jack for key.  KX3 doesn't, so I like using the external WinKeyer box
> to let logging software and paddles key the rig.  Using the WinKeyer
> box means I'll have a common solution regardless of which rig I end up
> using.  (Operating at home, operating at someone else's station, FD
> and other situations where the gear is an assortment from all the
> participants, etc.)

This is one of those "wishlist" items that understandably will not work
with every radio.  For those it does, it can be quite useful.

> Another bonus using a WinKer (or equivalent) is that the paddle input
> then pauses any sending, too.  However, recently during contests, I've
> been better about using CTRL-K to do fills instead of reaching for the
> paddles. I'm still too green to know which method of keying for fills
> I will ultimately end up preferring.

All of these approaches have tradeoffs, no surprise there.  Everyone has
their preferred approach.

73, Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

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