My first was a Commodore VIC-20, after having been introduced to the Apple
][ and HP 85, neither of which I could afford ;)

finger painting on glass is an inexact art - apologies for any errors in
this scra^Hibble

()/)/)() ..ASCII for Onno..

On Tue, 2 Nov 2021, 10:44 Nate Bargmann, <> wrote:

> * On 2021 01 Nov 18:35 -0500, Onno VK6FLAB wrote:
> > As for the unhealthy obsession, I've been at this since the 6502 :-)
> > Amateur Radio was supposed to be a way to do technical stuff away from
> > computing. Little did I know a decade ago that the two are on an
> > increasingly narrowing road on the way to the horizon!
> I received my Novice on 4 Nov 1983.  Less than two weeks later I had a
> Radio Shack Color Computer 2.  It's been a narrow road since!
> 73, Nate
> --
> "The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
> possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
> Web:
> Projects:
> GPG fingerprint: 82D6 4F6B 0E67 CD41 F689 BBA6 FB2C 5130 D55A 8819

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