* On 2022 24 Feb 10:33 -0600, Alan Dove wrote:
> Hey, folks:
> In editing the documentation, I came across this line from README.ssb:
> "For the purposes of CW and PTT control, TLF interfaces to the radio
> via cwdaemon, not hamlib. Therefore if you want voice keyer facilities
> cwdaemon must be running before starting TLF."
> Is that still true? I thought I saw something in the man page about
> using hamlib for PTT.

I don't think so as I use Hamlib keying via CAT command on my K3 with
SSB.  There is some work going on in the Hamlib side to facilitate CW
keying via CAT command.  I've not followed it closely but have seen some
list and GitHub traffic on the subject.

73, Nate

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