to devi
coba aja, semoga berhasil
Di perusahaan tempat kami bekerja sedang membutuhkan 4
> orang Water
> > > > > >Treatment
> > > > > > > dan Waste Water Treatment Operator.
> > > > > > > Bagi yang lulusan D3/S1 Teknik Kimia, Lancar B. Inggris
> dan
> > > > > >berpengalaman
> > > > > > > dibidang tersebut adalah nilai tambah.
> > > > > > > Baru lulus D3/S1 Teknik Kimia dan belum berpengalaman juga
> OK.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Lokasi kerja di Power Plant Unit #5 dan #6, Paiton,
> Probolinggo, Jawa
> > > > > >Timur.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Lamaran secepatnya mulai tanggal 20 May 2001.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Alamat Lamaran :
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > To HRD Manager.
> > > > > > > PT. Powergen Jawa Timur
> > > > > > > Jl. Raya Surabaya-Situbondo KM 141
> > > > > > > Paiton Probolinggo,
> > > > > > > Via : Bpk. Pra Julinuddin.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 07 June 2001 16:38:39
Subject: [L-13] hi
Hi all... How do U do??? miss you much???

It is getting quite here...hikhzzz... Everybody leaves
Surabaya one by one...

Nurul... god luck and success, never forget us...
I'll take your job on Anggie...
(Gile lue... udah cerita apa aja ke anak kecil itu???
Rahasiaku kebongkar semua...)

For Nadia....hiiiii..Miss you much, Can u give your
mothers hp? (kan bisa sms-an ntar)... And Have you any

Indro, I know you have new hp, what is the number,
share me...

Indri, Bhs jepang??? Very Funny... I have fun here...

And for all of you, guys... Please attach your
hand-phone number If You have one...

Erna??? Sorry for not sending our photos soon (THR),
I'm lack of money now... Maybe one week again I
Maklum ye...

Inty... udah..eloe ama temen aku aja...dijamin sip
dehhhh..tenane loh...

Anton...Andi...ada lowongan enggak? Bosen jd

see ya

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