On 5 August 2015 at 11:13, Wan-Teh Chang <w...@google.com> wrote:
> Then, define the ChaChaNonce struct as described in the draft-TLS 1.3.
>        struct {
>            opaque nonce[12];
>        } ChaChaNonce;
>       1. The 64-bit record sequence number is padded to the left with
>          zeroes to 96 bits (12 octets).
>       2. The padded sequence number is XORed with either the
>          client_write_IV (when the client is sending) or the
>          server_write_IV (when the server is sending)
>       3. Store the XOR result in ChaChaNonce.nonce.

This looks fine.  Note that the general construction in TLS 1.3 should
be, more formally:

assert(N_MAX > 64bits)
nonce = {client|server|_{read|write}_IV[0..N_MAX] XOR lpad0(seq_num)

Of course, ChaChaX sets N_MAX to 96 bits, so what you described was correct.


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