Based on CRIME and BREACH we know that this construction is not secure:

C = encrypt(compress(A || B))

If you control B and A contains sensitive information, strlen(C) tells you
information about A. Vice versa if you control A and B contains sensitive

In the context of a web application, this can lead to the compromise the
contents of HTTP-Only cookies.

This is known to be safe: C = encrypt(A || B). (No compression.)

This might be safe: C = encrypt(A || compress(B) ).

If an application needs to compress data before encryption, it shouldn't be
a Transport Layer protocol's job to do so.

Compression has no place in Transport Layer Security. Please nix it until
we can, in a provably secure manner, make C = encrypt(compress(A || B)) not
leak information about A when an attacker controls B.

I await your IACR papers that prove the contrary, or a swift and decisive
vote to kill TLS encryption in 1.3. Further bikeshedding is just

Just my $0.02.

Scott Arciszewski
Chief Development Officer
Paragon Initiative Enterprises <>
TLS mailing list

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