
We've posted a new version of “Use of KCipher-2 with Poly1305
in Transport Layer Security” (draft-kiyomoto-kcipher2-tls-02)
that address to add a cipher suite, KCipher-2 [RFC7008] and
Poly1305 running with AEAD for TLS1.2.

Name:           draft-kiyomoto-kcipher2-tls
Revision:       02
Title:          Use of KCipher-2 with Poly1305 in Transport Layer Security
Document date:  2015-11-01
Group:          Individual Submission
Pages:          6
Htmlized:       https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kiyomoto-kcipher2-tls-02

   This document describes the use of the KCipher-2 stream cipher with
   Poly1305 in Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols version 1.2 and
   Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) protocols.  KCipher-2 is a
   stream cipher with a 128-bit key and a 128-bit initialization vector,
   which provides fast, efficient encryption and decryption.

We address alternative stream cipher suite for TLS because we
concern a risk of “single stream cipher suite, Chacha20 with
Poly1305. Our colleague is preparing KCipher-2 with Poly1305
code based on openssl-1.0.2 which will be available as an open
source soon.

The current Kcipher-2 with Poly1305 implementation can run with
around 60% or more throughput comparing with Chacha20-Poly1305
under a small block size, e.g. 16 bytes and 64 bytes.
We expect performance improvement with further optimization
because the current code development in an early stage.

We have tentative two performance reports run with different
environment, which are indicated with [i] and [k] respectively.
The case [i] is running with Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4300U
CPU@1.90GHz 2.50GHz / RAM 8.00GB / openSUSE13.2 64bit.
Also, the case [k] is with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K 3.50GHz /
 Host OS: Windows 7 64bit with 32GB / Guest OS: Ubuntu 14.10
64bit with 7GB / gcc 4.9.1.

Performance Results:

(1) in case [i] environment: with Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4300U
    CPU@1.90GHz 2.50GHz / RAM 8.00GB / openSUSE13.2 64bit.

chacha20-poly1305 [i]:

block size [byte]   throughput [kbytes/sec]
      16               31,586.83
      64              101,580.14
     256              188,614.93
    1024              248,756.57
    8192              272,231.08

kc2-poly1305 [i]:

block size [byte]   throughput [kbytes/sec]
      16               16,938.10
      64               54,679.51
     256              156,798.30
    1024              294,867.97
    8192              388,743.17

(2) in case [k] environment: with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K
    3.50GHz / Host OS: Windows 7 64bit with 32GB / Guest OS:
    Ubuntu 14.10 64bit with 7GB / gcc 4.9.1

chacha20-poly1305 with no-SIMD [k]:

block size [byte]   throughput [kbytes/sec]
      16               51,704.44
      64              173,918.85
     256              403,878.27
    1024              616,232.62
    8192              721,810.77

kc2-poly1305 [k]:

block size [byte]   throughput [kbytes/sec]
      16               30,338.55
      64              101,063.15
     256              284,340.82
    1024              544,837.63
    8192              736,327.00

Yoshiaki Hori
TLS mailing list

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