On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:39 AM, Mike Bishop
<michael.bis...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> Since HTTP/1.1 only has one request per connection and that request is
> waiting on the client certificate to be retrieved via renegotiation, you can
> assume that the client will not send any application data between the new
> ClientHello and sending the Finished message.  (“…it is expected that the
> negotiation will begin before no more than a few records are received from
> the client.”)  Likewise, the server will not emit any application data
> between sending the HelloRequest and sending its own Finished message.
> Since HTTP/2 will have other requests being generated and served in
> parallel, this is no longer the case.  Per the TLS 1.2 spec, that’s
> permitted, but if it’s not been done before, I’m afraid we may be hitting
> less-tested code paths.
> I know that BoringSSL explicitly requires that application data flow be
> stopped during renegotiation.  If the HTTP working group adopts this draft,
> do the owners of other TLS implementations expect this to require changes in
> their TLS 1.2 implementations?

Chrome, Android WebView etc treat a HelloRequest when HTTP/2 has been
negotiated as a fatal error. We do not expect to change this.

The TLS 1.3 post-handshake client-auth was intended, as I recall, to
support HTTP/1.1 over TLS 1.3.

With HTTP/2 isn't it cleaner to do client-auth at the HTTP layer (i.e.
by signing exporter values)? SPDY, at one point of development,
supported this via the CREDENTIAL frame. That also avoided a confused
deputy problem: with connection pooling over HTTP/2, there seems to be
a risk of confusion about which requests are authenticated with which
client certificate.



Adam Langley a...@imperialviolet.org https://www.imperialviolet.org

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