On 12/1/15, Viktor Dukhovni <ietf-d...@dukhovni.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 10:34:27AM +0000, Peter Gutmann wrote:
>> Bryan A Ford <brynosau...@gmail.com> writes:
>> >It would work just as well and in exactly the same way if the AEAD is
>> >replaced with the traditional Encrypt-then-MAC construction, for
>> > example.
>> No it wouldn't, unless the encrypt part is a stream cipher.  You're still
>> locked into using an AEAD stream cipher or the equivalent of an AEAD
>> stream
>> cipher built with encrypt+MAC.  It won't work with, for example, the OCB
>> mode, or CBC + MAC.
> I think we should focus on what would get TLS 1.3 to be adopted:
>     * Reasonably implementable in libraries that support older
>       versions alongside TLS 1.3.

That doesn't change with Bryan's suggestion, I think.

>     * Interoperable in the field with various capital-intensive
>       middle boxen.

Which would those be? And what is the definition of capital-intensive
for those watching on the sidelines?

> This suggests focusing on solidifying the core protocol, and a
> healthy dose of skepticism around bells and whistles.  If the
> protocol is overloaded with too many (alright even more) incompatible
> innovations, the net effect is likely less security due to
> substantially delayed deployment of the key improvements.

This seems borderline absurd. The TLS protocol is doing a major
version revision.

> Encrypting message lengths looks rather marginal from this perspective,
> and quite likely to hinder interoperability and delay both
> implementation and upgrades.  However cool an idea this might be,
> this does not look to me like the right time to add this feature
> to TLS.

I don't think it will hinder interoperability and not one person has
even named a single device that would have issues with it. I think the
only thing that comes close is when I've named a classified US
government surveillance program (XKeyscore) that would probably have
trouble with it.

We should add Bryan's feature and not pander to non-specific concerns
about middleboxes that should be considered as adversaries.

> At this point, TLS 1.3 is rather feature rich, and it is I think
> time to focus on reviewing the already agreed changes (maybe even
> drop some if they look inessential).  Make it solid, trim the fat,
> get it out the door in a usable form.

That is part of what is happening in Bryan's suggestion. He found a
reasonably practical way to encrypt record headers. His suggestion
will make TLS more secure. His suggestion includes a review of a part
of the previous state of TLS 1.3 with a proposed improvement.

No one is debating it on the cryptographic merits which is surprising.

All the best,

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