On 1/23/2016 2:13 PM, Joseph Birr-Pixton wrote:

I'd like to propose that TLS1.3 mandates RFC6979 deterministic ECDSA.

For discussion, here's a pull request with possible language:



TLS mailing list

Correct me if I'm wrong but:

1) A receiver of an deterministic ECDSA signature verifies it EXACTLY like they would a non-deterministic signature. 2) A receiver of an ECDSA signature cannot determine whether or not the signer did a deterministic signature. 3) A TLS implementation has no way (absent repeating signatures over identical data) of telling whether or not a given signature using the client or server private key is deterministic.

All that suggests that this is a completely unenforceable requirement with respect to TLS.

The above is a long way of saying that this is a WG overreach on internal security module behavior that is not central, cognizable or identifiable to a TLS implementation.

I'd instead recommend you approach the CFRG and offer a internet draft with a target of BCP on the general topic of ECDSA rather than specific guidance for TLS.


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