On Sun, Feb 21, 2016 at 11:31 AM, Martin Thomson
<martin.thom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm sitting here in TRON listening to Karthik describe all the various
> ways in which client authentication in 0-RTT is bad.  I'm particularly
> sympathetic to the perpetual impersonation attack that arises when the
> client's ephemeral key is compromised.
> We originally thought that we might want to do this for
> WebRTC/real-time.  As it so happens, we have an alternative design
> that doesn't need this, so...
> I propose that we remove client authentication from 0-RTT.
> This should simplify the protocol considerably.

The token-binding(*) folks care about authenticating 0-RTT requests,
although they are currently working at the application-layer[1] and so
would be recreating 0-RTT client authentication on top of TLS. (They
would thus have all the same issues, but we already knew that.)

If there was still a channel-binding value available at 0-RTT time,
they should be happy.

(* To recap, token-binding wants to eliminate the bearer-token nature
of cookies in order to avoid several issues. For example,
Heartbleed-like leaks of cookie data, origin confusion attacks[2]



[1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-tokbind-protocol-04
[2] http://antoine.delignat-lavaud.fr/doc/www15.pdf

Adam Langley a...@imperialviolet.org https://www.imperialviolet.org

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