
draft-shore-tls-dnssec-chain-extension was originally discussed at IETF 93 [0], 
and the authors have been biding their time while the WG thrashed out TLS1.3s' 
issues.  At IETF 95, they presented again [1], but this time the chairs took a 
sense of the room about whether the WG was in favor of adopting the draft.  
According to the minutes, there were “crickets” against and “lots of noise” for 
adoption.  But, we need to take it to the list so please indicate whether you:

- Support adoption and are willing to review/comment on the draft by 201600429. 
 Note that the extensions is pretty straight forward, but the chairs still need 
people to comment on the draft as we’re processing it down the path.

- Object to the adoption of this draft as a WG item, please respond to the list 
indicating why by 201600510.



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