We are the unenviable position of calling consensus between three choices

- Option 1 - use the same key for both handshake and applications messages.
- Option 2 - restore a public content type and different keys.
- Option 3 - separately encrypting the content type.

At this point the consensus is rough.

The first option we would broadly characterize as supported by the
implementers because they can’t see the harm in using the same key but
opposed by the cryptographers because it makes the proofs harder making
mistakes easier to miss.

The second option as supported by researchers/cryptographers because it
cleanly separates the keys used but opposed by the implementers because
it’s unnecessarily complex.  In general, privacy advocates do not support
this option either.

The third was not really discussed at all and it’s not clear what is the
impact to security proofs or implementations.

As we see it the privacy concerns are somewhat of a moving target, however
not encrypting the content type seems worse for privacy than encrypting it.

We are looking to eliminate option 2 and choose 1 or 3.  If you are in
favor of option 2 then we need to know if option 1 meets your needs, if
option 3 is better than option 1, or if you feel that the only viable
option is option 2.


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