Thanks for the quick review.

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 10:26 PM, Ilari Liusvaara <>

> On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 02:49:52PM -0700, Eric Rescorla wrote:
> > Folks,
> >
> > I've just submitted draft-ietf-tls-tls13-15.
> Doing brief review:
> - Section 4.2.2 talks EdDSA using "ECDSA cipher suites". TLS 1.3 does
>   not have those. However, this kind of information is very relevant
>   for TLS 1.2 backward compatiblity: you need to assign TLS 1.2
>   cipher suites for EdDSA in order to use it in TLS 1.2. TLS 1.3 does
>   not care either way.

Thanks. Will try to fix.

- I note that accepting PSK and selecting the auth mode seem to be
>   in separate messages, which seems quite annoying implementation-
>   wise..

Can you elaborate on this? The intend is that they both appear in
(in pre_shared_key and signature_algorithms respectively).

- Can the server send arbitrary certificate in response to PSK or is
>   it somehow restricted? The document does not seem to talk about it.

The document right now is supposed to be PSK XOR server signs, so the
answer is supposed to be "no". If/when we allow both together, then
we'll have to address this, which is a bit tricky.

> - The HelloRetryRequest is problematic in pure-PSK case[1].
> [1] One way to do it would be to move the group to extension, which
> would only be sent if new group was needed. Then one could always
> require at least one extension (the field could also be renamed).
> Also, one could make it so that HRR extensions don't have to
> correspond to CH extensions (and unsupported one is a fatal error).

Agreed on both counts. PR wanted.


> -Ilari
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