On 08/30/2016 06:50 PM, Eric Rescorla wrote:
> https://github.com/tlswg/tls13-spec/issues/588
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_tlswg_tls13-2Dspec_issues_588&d=DQMFaQ&c=96ZbZZcaMF4w0F4jpN6LZg&r=sssDLkeEEBWNIXmTsdpw8TZ3tAJx-Job4p1unc7rOhM&m=OYKlTldMw4JQ70u9GPUo_Mcv5XJALDhFEfHEGFg4sxU&s=QsszOoslegy3R6TjuMjZ2W961XyDrx_FomRj6TTfy9s&e=>
> I neglected to assign a code point for this in draft-15. I note,
> however, that
> we currently have it occupying a different code point space than hello
> extensions.
> I am sort of wondering if it would be more useful for them to be in
> the same
> space. Probably not, but I thought I would ask before assigning 1,
> which is
> the natural code point otherwise.
> https://tlswg.github.io/tls13-spec/#rfc.section.4.5.1
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__tlswg.github.io_tls13-2Dspec_-23rfc.section.4.5.1&d=DQMFaQ&c=96ZbZZcaMF4w0F4jpN6LZg&r=sssDLkeEEBWNIXmTsdpw8TZ3tAJx-Job4p1unc7rOhM&m=OYKlTldMw4JQ70u9GPUo_Mcv5XJALDhFEfHEGFg4sxU&s=dAVInee1lQYCojdsHwo339WIxThaXLicpY-RPril0h4&e=>

It seems to make more sense to keep them in separate numberspaces, to me.

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