Andrei Popov wrote:
>>> the only popular stack I found that does not seem to send alerts is 
>>> the schannel from Microsoft
> To clarify, schannel does generate alerts per RFC, but the HTTP stack
> (which actually owns the socket) sees no value in sending them.

"Pillows don't hit people, people do." ;-)

When operating with a transport-less (i.e. opaque-PDUs-only) API,
it is somewhat unusal to having an API call _fail_ *and* return output
parameters & transport requests at the same time.  Higher layer programmers
(and the exception-style programming) often do not expect having to
deal with both.

I actually notice just now that Microsoft Win32 SSPI DeleteSecurityContext()
(Microsoft's incarnation of GSS-API) does not have a final/context-deletion
token output parameter.

In the original (DEC given to IETF) GSS-API design, the "final token"
was not meant to be emitted by a failing context iterator call along with
a fatal error code, but by a _successful_ call to gss_delete_sec_context().

I'm actually confused--where does SChannel return that TLS alert PDU
(and along with with what kind of API return code)?

Admittedly, for applications on top of GSS-API (rfc2743/rfc2744) it is
quite common to _not_ bother conveying the optional(!) context deletion
token that may be produced by GSS-API's gss_delete_sec_context(), and
the GSS-APIv2 spec acknowledged this being a common app behaviour,
and deprecated the context deletion token.


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