On Fri, Oct 07, 2016 at 01:41:14PM -0700, Watson Ladd wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 10:47 PM, Ilari Liusvaara
> <ilariliusva...@welho.com> wrote:
> >
> > Also, it is very likely that 0-RTT would need its own read API, because
> > it is pretty unlikely that existing API could be safely retrofitted
> > or even purpose-built unified API be designed that isn't just asking
> > for security problems via mixing 0-RTT and 1-RTT data.
> Yes. In particular I think the TLS state machine transitions need to
> be ordered with respect to the arrival and sending of data. The
> challenge for a multithreaded program (yes, some programs have
> multiple threads sending and receiving at once) is making this make
> sense, or even a single-threaded program where the TLS stack can
> change state at times not visible to the sending thread. Maybe there
> is some slop here, like 0-RTT can become 1-RTT on send, but this
> raises all sorts of problems for receiving. I think we need to require
> separation in the API.

0-RTT can't be allowed to become 1-RTT on send (unless it is auto-
retransmit, which needs to be disableable, as sometimes that just plain
won't work).

This impiles that the application always needs to explicitly signal
the end of 0-RTT data, even just to abort sending it.

> > (This is the reason one needs to be especially careful when combining
> > dynamic client certificates with HTTP/2... Basically, it can not be
> > done safely without coordination on application layer).
> >
> > One likely wants application protocol to be able to specify part of
> > or the entiere request context and to extract that part in the other
> > end when requesting a certificate selection. This is to allow putting
> > part of coordination data into the request itself. However, this is not
> > sufficient for e.g. HTTP/2 signaling, so more needs to be exchanged at
> > application layer.
> >
> > And then upon completion of the authentication (either successful or
> > explicitly rejected), signal the application with the new certificate
> > chain and the context the request had.
> This is going to require major changes to APIs and to the HTTP/2
> layer. It also interacts with token binding, whee! My question then
> becomes one of what we actually need: can we assume that leakage
> between authentication contexts over a single session is safe because
> all contexts represent the same principal, by restricting the usages,
> or is this overly restrictive?

Yes, it is going to reuqire such changes.

And you absolutely can not assume that all contexts present the same

And as I said, in multiplexed protocol like HTTP/2, you need application-
level coordination on top. TLS just can't do that.

> When we have multiple requests and replies in flight and the
> authentication state changes, things get nasty. If we think of TLS as
> sending a stream of events including authentication changes to the
> application, this fits the semantics of the TLS draft as I understand
> them to be, but does not necessarily fit what application protocols
> want. There might be a semantic mismatch here requiring reworking of
> one or another part.

Also, some applications presumably want the events done synchronously,
so they don't move with data reads.

Basically, post-handshake auth is heckuva nasty problem.


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