Salz, Rich wrote:
>> the PDUs are still pretty much predictable
>> heuristically (by their ordering), even when they're padded.
> ...
>> So besides being completely pointless, can you describe any realistic
>> problem that is worth breaking middleware at the endpoints so badly?
> I found the language difference interesting.  We could conduct an
> interesting thought experiment by reversing the emphasis on each
> of the above fragments.  But I won't.
> Instead, I'll point out that this is in-charter, in-scope, and WG consensus
> has generally been to "encrypt all the bits" as much as feasible.

The problem here is that this breaks (network) flow control, existing
(network socket) event management, and direction-independent connection
closure, and does so completely without value.

When TLS records with AppData can be left in the network socket while
the application layer is not ready to process & consume it, then TCP flow
control works better in high load situation.

The semantics defined for the TLS Closure Alert in SSLv3->TLSv1.2
is somewhat difficult for full-duplex communication, direction-independent
shutdown, and confirmation of receipt:

   7.2.1.  Closure Alerts

   The client and the server must share knowledge that the connection is
   ending in order to avoid a truncation attack.  Either party may
   initiate the exchange of closing messages.

      This message notifies the recipient that the sender will not send
      any more messages on this connection.  Note that as of TLS 1.1,
      failure to properly close a connection no longer requires that a
      session not be resumed.  This is a change from TLS 1.0 to conform
      with widespread implementation practice.

   Either party may initiate a close by sending a close_notify alert.
   Any data received after a closure alert is ignored.

   Unless some other fatal alert has been transmitted, each party is
   required to send a close_notify alert before closing the write side
   of the connection.  The other party MUST respond with a close_notify
   alert of its own and close down the connection immediately,
   discarding any pending writes.  It is not required for the initiator
   of the close to wait for the responding close_notify alert before
   closing the read side of the connection.

The issue here is that the receiving TLS stack, when processing an
incoming TLS CloseNotify Alert, will typically immediately respond
with a TLS CloseNotifyAlert on its own, precluding the application
from sending any further data in the other direction in response

When hiding the TLS record ContentType, then pre-reading and coalescing
(=streaming) application data records suddenly becomes a problem, because
receiving and processing a hidden TLS CloseNotify Alert will cause
a TLS CloseNotify Alert response (an alleged indicator for a graceful
connection closure) being generated and returned even before
the application has (a) seen and (b) had a chance to respond to the
latest batch of application data.

To prevent this from happening, and leave the decision to the application
of whether to read a (potential) CloseNotify alert from the wire,
I would have to go back to trickling TLS records (including those
pathologically fragmented ones from Google) to the application
whenever TLSv1.3 is negotiated.

There is a similar (slightly smaller) issuer with the coalesced TLS
handshake/alert/css record processing during the TLS handshake phase,
Feeding the whole "flight" already waiting in network buffers into
the TLS stack at once will no longer be possible, with hidden ContentTypes
I will have to start trickling TLS records with handshake messages into
the TLS stack, and have to poll the handshake state after each TLS record
in order to heuristically determine whether the next record waiting in
the network buffer is (likely) a record with AppData--which I must leave
in the network buffer until the application caller explicitly calls for it.

The really painful issue are constantly mind-changing browsers loosing
interest in responses and sending TLS CloseNotify instead of TCP RSTs
-- I don't know how to deal with these without breaking the current
(network socket) event semantics for the app.


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