On Fri, Dec 02, 2016 at 03:35:00AM +0000, David Benjamin wrote:
> I think TLS 4 makes everything worse, not better.
> In hindsight, renaming SSL 3.1 was a terrible mistake. But TLS 1.2 is going
> to exist for a long time. If we call the next one 4, we have to explain a
> gap in the versioning (1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 4?) and placing 2.0 and 3.0 after 1.2
> becomes even more inviting.
> Short of a time machine so we can call this SSL 3.4, the best fix is to let
> SSL 3.0 fall away. This is already semi-plausible (it's out of all
> browsers) and is only going to become more realistic over time. Certainly
> it will be faster than TLS 1.2 going away and undoing TLS 4's version gap
> problem. (TLS 1.3 even places SSL 3.0 as a MUST NOT, for what little teeth
> that has.)
> Once SSL 3.0 falls away, we'll be left with 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3, which
> is a plausible numbering progression. There'll still be the mess with SSL
> being the informal name for the protocol family, but that isn't a numbering
> problem.

Then "TLS 2017" should be even better.  It's neither < 3 nor similar
enough to SSL versions as to be confused with them.

And the shift in versioning strategy is so typical it would probably not
even draw serious notice.

Scott Schmit

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