On 12/13/2016 11:56 PM, Martin Thomson wrote:
> On 14 December 2016 at 16:42, Yoav Nir <ynir.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Aren’t we going to have separate registries for 1.2 and 1.3?  We don’t want 
>> to force anyone to make the changes you had made (as part of 1.3) just to 
>> get EdDSA..And I need to request things from IANA based on 1.2 registries.
> Yes, but I was thinking that there might be an expectation about 1.2
> values and the way they propagate into the 1.3 registry.  We don't
> want that here.

The current text in the 1.3 spec "obsoletes" the old HashAlgorithm and
SignatureAlgorithm registries in favor of a new SignatureScheme
registry.  (I don't actually know if "obsoletes" is a magic word for
IANA, though.)

I agree with Ilari and Martin that essentially backporting the 1.3
semantics for use in 1.2 is the best way forward.

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