I have a question on RFC5246 (TLS 1.2) and how it’s going to interact with 
RSASSA-PSS as we roll out TLS 1.3. Does the prohibition against RSASSA-PSS 
apply only to the signatures that can be used for signing handshakes or does it 
apply to the entire certificate chain as well? I ask because while I think the 
latter may have been the intent I have not found anything that indicates the 
former is not actually what the RFCs require.

The relevant section of RFC4056 reads:

7.4.2 Server Certificate
Note that there are certificates that use algorithms and/or algorithm
   combinations that cannot be currently used with TLS.  For example, a
   certificate with RSASSA-PSS signature key (id-RSASSA-PSS OID in
   SubjectPublicKeyInfo) cannot be used because TLS defines no
   corresponding signature algorithm.

I don’t see anything here that restricts which signatures can be used on the 
certificates themselves. Is that accurate? If so, then I think the relevant 
restrictions are not in TLS RFCs at all, but rather are in RFCs such as 4055, 
4056, and 5756. These RFCs allow RSASSA-PSS. Is it therefore permissible to 
have a CA that is signed with RSASSA-PSS with TLS 1.0, 1.1, or 1.2.

Is this what was intended?


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