Dear Kenny,

From: "Paterson, Kenny" 
Date: Friday, February 10, 2017 at 12:22 PM
To: 'Quynh' <<>>, Sean Turner 
Cc: IRTF CFRG <<>>, 
"<<>>" <<>>
Subject: Re: [TLS] [Cfrg] Closing out tls1.3 "Limits on key usage" PRs 

Dear Quynh,

On 10/02/2017 12:48, "Dang, Quynh (Fed)" 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Kenny,


My preference is to go with the existing text, option a).

>From the github discussion, I think option c) involves a less
security bound (success probability for IND-CPA attacker bounded by
2^{-32} instead of 2^{-60}). I can live with that, but the WG should be
aware of the weaker security guarantees it provides.

I do not understand option b). It seems to rely on an analysis of
collisions of ciphertext blocks rather than the established security
for AES-GCM.

My suggestion was based on counting.  I analyzed AES-GCM in TLS 1.3  as
being a counter-mode encryption and each counter is a 96-bit nonce ||
32-bit counter. I don’t know if there is another kind of proof that is
more precise than that.

Thanks for explaining. I think, then, that what you are doing is (in
effect) accounting for the PRP/PRF switching lemma that is used (in a
standard way) as part of the IND-CPA security proof of AES-GCM. One can
obtain a greater degree of precision by using the proven bounds for
IND-CPA security of AES-GCM. These incorporate the "security loss" coming
from the PRP/PRF switching lemma. The current best form of these bounds is
due to Iwata et al.. This is precisely what we analyse in the note at - specifically, see
equations (5) - (7) on page 6 of that note.

I reviewed the paper more than once. I highly value the work. I suggested to 
reference  your paper in the text.  I think the result in your paper is the 
same with what is being suggested when the collision probability allowed is 





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