(Adding Filippo, who wrote the original change.)

I just did some spelunking of the archives, and poking at boring SSL.
I found that David Benjamin mentions unencrypted data, which seems to
be consistent with what boring implements:


I don't think that this makes sense: the true cost to the server is in
the data it has to store, not process (a client has many better
options for causing the server to expend CPU resources).  Any data
that can be ignored is cheap.

On 6 March 2017 at 11:17, Martin Thomson <martin.thom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The section on the maximum early data size says this:
> "Only Application Data payload is counted."
> I don't know how to interpret that.  I can see arguments for counting
> TLSInnerPlaintext.content or all of TLSInnerPlaintext.

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