If there's to be a respin anyway, I have another small editorial comment:

On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 11:22 AM Eric Rescorla <e...@rtfm.com> wrote:

> FWIW, there's a lot here, but I think it's all essentially editorial, so
> it shouldn't
> be that hard to clean up.
> -Ekr
> On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 8:07 AM, Stephen Farrell <
> stephen.farr...@cs.tcd.ie> wrote:
> Thanks Eric,
> Let's see what folks say in response to this and I can post
> anything not immediately resolved as a DISCUSS ballot. We
> can then process that in the coming week or two, and you
> can take over the DISCUSS for whatever's not resolved by
> the swap-over in Chicago. Or if someone else wants to
> make some or all of Eric's comments a DISCUSS that'd work
> too, but I'm fine with taking it.
> Cheers,
> S.
> On 15/03/17 14:44, Eric Rescorla wrote:
> > Sorry for the late review of this document. I just got to it this
> > week. I'm sending this as comments rather than issues/PR due to
> > how late it is in the proces.
> >
> > I have two high-level comments:
> >
> > - This document seems to still have a bunch of material about
> >   static DH (especially static DH authentication). I thought we
> >   had agreed to remove that.
> >
> > - You are inconsistent about using capital 2119 language
> >   and I expect you want to be consistent.
> >
> >
> > S 2.
> >    All of these key exchange algorithms provide forward secrecy.
> >
> > This is actually only true if each side generates fresh ephemerals
> > which does not seem to be required by the spec.
> >
> > Do we really want to promote ECDH_anon to standards track?
> >
> >
> > Nit: you want a line break between the last line of Figure 1
> > and the legend explaining the message types.
> >
> >
> > S 2.3.
> >    This specification does not impose restrictions on signature schemes
> >    used anywhere in the certificate chain.  The previous version of this
> >    document required the signatures to match, but this restriction,
> >    originating in previous TLS versions is lifted here as it had been in
> >    RFC 5246.
> >
> > This section is about ECDH_anon, so maybe this text belongs in S 2.1 or
> > 2.2.?
> >
> >
> > S 3.
> > You have a bunch of lower case 2119 key words here.
> >
> >    If these conditions are not met, the client should send a client
> >    Certificate message containing no certificates.  In this case, the
> >    ClientKeyExchange should be sent as described in Section 2, and the
> >    CertificateVerify should not be sent.  If the server requires client
> >    authentication, it may respond with a fatal handshake failure alert.
> >
> > Actually, this "should not be sent" is a MUST NOT, because if you send
> > an empty certificate, you're forbidden to send CertificateVerify.
> >
> >
> > S 4.
> >    choice of curves and compression techniques specified by the client.
> >
> > s/compression techniques/point formats/?
> >
> >
> > S 5.1.1.
> > Do you want to rename elliptic_curve_list to named_curve_list?
> >
> >
> > S 5.1.2.
> >
> >    Three point formats were included in the definition of ECPointFormat
> >    above.  This specification deprecates all but the uncompressed point
> >    format.  Implementations of this document MUST support the
> >    uncompressed format for all of their supported curves, and MUST NOT
> >    support other formats for curves defined in this specification.  For
> >    backwards compatibility purposes, the point format list extension
> >    MUST still be included, and contain exactly one value: the
> >    uncompressed point format (0).
> >
> > This implies that you have to send supported point formats, but in
> > S 5.1, this is a SHOULD. I believe what you may be trying to say
> > here is that if you send the extension, it must be non-empty.
> >
> > Also, maybe I'm missing it, but where do you say that the default
> > is to assume that the other side supports uncompressed if it doesn't
> > do so. This is a backwards compat issue.
> >
> >
> > S 5.3.
> > You don't define what "authorized for signatures" is, but I suspect
> > you're talking about KeyUsage, etc.? If so, don't you need to say
> > this about ECDHE_ECDSA as well.
> >
> > S 5.4.
> >    The value named_curve indicates that a named curve is used.  This
> >    option SHOULD be used when applicable.
> >
> > When would you not?
> >
> > S 5.5.
> > This defines:
> >              rsa_fixed_ecdh(65),
> >              ecdsa_fixed_ecdh(66),
> >
> > But the specification doesn't actually support this. Note that
> > the fixed_DH authentication mechanism are specified as having
> > the client's cert be on the same curve as the long-term
> > ECDH key, but you've deprecated those KE mechanisms, so as far
> > as I can tell, static DH auth is impossible
> >
> > Also:
> > 1. Why isn't the ECDSA cert required to be signing capable.
> > 2. You probably should standardize on ECDSA_sign or ecdsa_sign.
> >
> > S 5.7.
> > More text about static DH auth. Also "implicit" can probably go away.
> >
> >    The client selects an ephemeral ECDH public key corresponding to the
> >    parameters it received from the server according to the ECKAS-DH1
> >    scheme from IEEE 1363.  It conveys this information to the client in
> >    the ClientKeyExchange message using the format defined above.
> >
> > I don't understand what this means.
> >
> >
> > S 5.8.
> >    This message is sent when the client sends a client certificate
> >    containing a public key usable for digital signatures, e.g., when the
> >    client is authenticated using the ECDSA_sign mechanism.
> >
> > This is the only way that things can work now.
> >
> >
> > S 5.1.1.
> >    Failing to
> >    do so allows attackers to gain information about the private key, to
> >    the point that they may recover the entire private key in a few
> >    requests, if that key is not really ephemeral.
> >
> > To the best of my knowledge, this only applies to DH, not signature
> > verification.
> >
> > S 6.
> > Do we really want to promote NULL and 3DES to ST?
> >
> > -Ekr
> >
> >
> >
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