On Sun, Apr 23, 2017 at 12:01:08PM -0400, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> > And the 12 month update interval for intermediates is IMO just crazy,
> > and won't work properly in TLS 1.3, now that multistaple is pretty much
> > a baseline feature.
> >
> I have no desire to support multistaple within Chrome. That it's specified
> is great, but I believe multistaple is, for the general _browser_ case,
> unnecessary. That's not to say it's not useful in other venues or in
> specialized cases, which is the only reason I haven't complained here.

I think your general browser case is that the browsers have worked
around it by having a different mechanism to revoke them. I
believe it would be better that browsers didn't have to do this,
so that it worked properly in all cases.


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