On Mon, Jul 03, 2017 at 05:01:55PM -0700, Eric Rescorla wrote:

> I wanted to call the WG's attention to one issue:
> Currently the extension table says that server_certificate_type goes
> in the Certificate message, whereas client_certificate_type does
> not. My reasoning for the latter is that the extensions are attached
> to individual certificate elements, so it was non-sensical to have a
> situation where you might have cert A be X.509 and cert B be PGP.  I
> think we should just change server_certificate_type to go in EE, and
> then maybe in future if people want something cleverer they can add it
> then. I didn't want to do this without WG discussion, but I think we
> should and if people don't object I'll do it in a -22.

The certificate type is certainly associated with the certificate
chain. However, it only makes sense for server certificate and there can
only be one such thing[1] and the data is small, so one could stick the
type in EE.

[1] Exported authenticators do not count, since the way those work is
rather different from usual TLS certificate authentication.


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