On Jul 17, 2017, at 19:28, Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL 
<u...@ll.mit.edu<mailto:u...@ll.mit.edu>> wrote:

Organized crime capabilities are reaching the level of nation states, ankle 
biters reach up to where the organized crime was yesterday…

I understand all this - I have to deal with it every day, so I understand where 
you're coming from.

But it's also important for understand that security is additive in nature, not 
all the criminals are bright or sophisticated, & so the emergence of a few 
smarter ones doesn't make those less so disappear.

In reality, most of them are awful blunderers - they succeed because the 
defenders are worse blunderers.

Consequently, there hasn't been an alarming (heh) dropoff in the need for TLS 
visibility on the intranet - quite the opposite.

And the need for it isn't limited to the security space.  It'd extremely 
important for troubleshooting, as well.

Roland Dobbins <rdobb...@arbor.net<mailto:rdobb...@arbor.net>>
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