First, thanks for the draft.

As discussed off-list, wrt framing / wire format, we probably have an 
opportunity to do slightly better than this, at least for 1.2.

The thing is that, since there is no flag in the record that says: "I'm 
carrying a CID", a receiver has no explicit way to know whether a record is 
coming from a CID-enabled session or a legacy-DTLS.

This ambiguity complicates the decoder because the receiving end now needs to 
implement a heuristic like:

-          let's first assume at offset +11 we have a CID

-          and then lookup the SAs store using this "maybe" CID

-          if found, OK (*), go on with the parsing

-          if not, fall back to assuming at offset +11 we have the length field 
and go on parsing

This is not ideal for a bunch of reasons:
    1. For every incoming record, the receiver needs to lookup the CID store 
just to parse the record;
    2. The implementation is more complicate;
    3. Heuristics are intrinsically fragile and are known to deal badly with 
corner cases (think the many creative ways the many moving parts can conspire: 
5-tuple reshuffling because of NAT rebinding, lost state due to reboot/restart 
of one or more nodes, co-existing CID and legacy DTLS);
    4. Wireshark & co will choke because they typically don't have enough 
context to handle the two different framings;

To solve this, we'd need a place in the wire image of the record with 
semantics: "I'm carrying a CID."

In 1.2, we could use CT or version.  (In 1.3, that would not be possible 
because the diet header doesn't have them - too bad.)  To me it'd make slightly 
more sense to use the version. (I had previous discussions on this topic with 
Nikos and he told me that though anyconnect does this version override for some 
reasons, there is no reported conflict with middle-boxes.)  Also, there would 
be only one code-point to allocate, instead of separate code-points for each 
CID-enabled content type variant.  I'm happy to be convinced of the opposite, 

I guess my main point here is to make sure we do as much as we can to allow 
simple, efficient, robust implementations, which are also, en passant, 
Wireshark-friendly, and leave heuristics-based approaches only for when there 
is no real alternative.

Cheers, t

(*) assuming CID is entropic enough, which may or may not be the case.

On 13/10/2017, 00:13, "TLS on behalf of Eric Rescorla" 
<<> on behalf of<>> wrote:

Hi folks,

I have just posted a first cut at a connection ID draft.

Comments welcome.


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