On 11/7/17 12:23 PM, Eric Rescorla wrote:

On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 7:56 AM, Flemming Andreasen <fandr...@cisco.com <mailto:fandr...@cisco.com>> wrote:

    Thank you for the feedback Ekr - please see below for responses

    On 11/6/17 12:43 PM, Eric Rescorla wrote:
    I took a look at this.

    Without getting into the question of whether the types of middleboxes
    you describe here provide a security benefit, there are several
    in the document that are either wrong or at least

    - Key Synchronization
    This document notes that in TLS 1.2, it is possible for a middlebox
    that traffic keys match on both sides of the connection it is
    but in TLS 1.3 it is not:

       There are several techniques that can be utilized.  Those
       function with TLS 1.2 and earlier versions but not with TLS 1.3.

       One technique is for the middlebox to negotiate the same master
       secret with the original TLS client and server, as if the two
       endpoints handshake directly.  This is also known as "Triple
       Handshake" used by legitimate middleboxes.  [BreakTLS]
    describes the
       methods with RSA and DH key exchanges. When the proxy session keys
       are the same as for a direct handshake, the middlebox is able to
       "cut-through" the two TLS proxy sessions when it finishes the
       security inspection.

       This technique is not functional with TLS 1.3 since the transcript
       hash over the handshake messages is part of the key derivation

    First, I would note that this property of TLS 1.2 is bad, as it leads
    to Unknown Key Share (UKS) attacks, which can be the basis of real
    attacks on TLS 1.2 as fielded. It is for this reason that the TLS
    WG published RFC 7627.

    Thanks for the bringing that one up - we will make sure to include
    that in the next version.

    Understood - it is nevertheless a change from TLS 1.2. In TLS 1.3,
    it's an integral part of the protocol that cannot be disabled. The
    TLS 1.2 extension does not share that property.

It seems like an odd complaint that we are making protection against Unknown Key Shares an integral part of the protocol

I understand your point. What I am saying is that there are some side effects of doing so that impacts use case scenarios that exist today. If you cannot drop out, then you have two choices: 1) Always be a MITM, which you may not want to (e.g. consider sessions with financial institutions) 2) Never be a MITM, which means you cannot do any of the network-based security use cases we have highlighted

What you really want is the ability to do it more selectively.

    Finally, you note several times in the document (e.g., S 4.5), that
    with key synchronization, the middlebox can perform the handshake and
    then disengage from the connection. However, the cases you mention
    (e.g.., detecting exploit attempts) ultimately require examining
    all traffic in the connection.

    We have several different use case scenarios in there, and I agree
    with the observation that they cannot all be satisfied at the same
    time. For example, we cannot scan for malware in an encrypted
    stream to a financial institution that we are not allowed to
    decrypt. That doesn't mean either use case is invalid. Customers
    do both in real-life (just not at the same time).

I'm finding it a bit puzzling what you claim customers do. Specifically, you seem to be saying that customers examine the beginning of the connection and then stop. What are they scanning for and what makes them stop?

It's the handshake process, which typically governs the associated policy for the session (e.g. decrypt-and-inspect or do-not-decrypt). You will try to determine whether the session should undergo inspection at the time the ClientHello passes through the box, however sometimes, you end up making a final (and different) decision when the ServerHello is received. The decision is guided by policies configured for the middlebox which may determine it based on various criteria (e.g. category of the destination such as "Financial Services", geography, etc.)

    - PSK and resumption
    You write:

       In TLS 1.3, the above mechanism is replaced by Pre-Shared Keys
       which can be negotiated as part of an initial handshake and
    then used
       in a subsequent handshake to perform resumption using the
    PSK.  TLS
       1.3 states that the client SHOULD include a "key_share"
    extension to
       enable the server to decline resumption and fall back to a full
       handshake, however it is not an absolute requirement.

       Example scenarios that are impacted by this are middleboxes
    that were
       not part of the initial handshake, and hence do not know the
    PSK.  If
       the client does not include the "key_share" extension, the
       cannot force a fallback to the full handshake.  If the middlebox
       policy requires it to inspect the session, it will have to
    fail the
       connection instead.

    In TLS 1.3, PSKs and session resumption are basically the same and
    have the same properties. While I concede that the document does
    not require the client to offer key_shares, as a practical matter
    it is very unlikely that a client will act in such a way that
    failure to retain the PSK causes a hard failure, for two reasons:

    (a) In every version of TLS, the ticket lifetime is just a hint, and
        the server can forget it at any time
        a client which does not allow a full handshake will often
        find itself unable to connect.

    (b) The relevant question is not whether the client offers a key
        extension but whether it advertises any DH groups. If the
    client sends
        a group but not a key share, the server can send
        to force the client to send a key share.

    For these reasons, as far as I know, every client (and at least every
    browser client) should allow a full handshake even when trying to

    If that is indeed the case, then I would suggest changing the spec
    language to a MUST here instead so we can guarantee it.

I don't believe this is necessary. There are certainly reasons why you would want to do PSK w/o (EC)DHE (e.g., you are really PSK only).

Agree with the example, but is that really a resumption scenario ?

    - Server Certificate Concealment
    You note that in TLS 1.2 the middlebox can examine both the SNI
    and the
    server's certificate in order to decide whether to MITM the
    but that in TLS 1.3, the middlebox cannot guarantee that the SNI in
    uses is correct:

       In TLS 1.2, the ClientHello, ServerHello and Certificate
    messages are
       all sent in clear-text, however in TLS 1.3, the Certificate
       is encrypted thereby hiding the server identity from any
       intermediary.  Note that even _if_ the SNI is provided (in
       by the client, there is no guarantee that the actual server
       responding is the one indicated in the SNI from the client.

    In this case, it's important to distinguish between conformant and
    nonconformant clients. In the former case -- as when the user is
    not attempting to evade inspection -- the SNI will reflect the
    identity that the client expects and therefore will compare the
    certificate against.

    Of course, in the case where the client is attempting to evade
    inspection, the certificate might not match. However, in this
    scenario, the client and server are colluding and so there are
    a variety of ways to avoid inspection, even when doing TLS 1.2.

    For example:

    1. The client and server can share a prearranged public key and then
    negotiate static RSA. The client sends an innocuous SNI and the
    can simply send the certificate of the corresponding server, captured
    by connecting to that server. The client then enciphers the PMS
    under the server's prearranged key and continues with TLS as usual.
    This cannot be detected by the middlebox without decrypting the EPMS.

    2. If an (EC)DHE cipher suite must be negotiated, then the attack
    described above does not work directly because the server's signature
    over the ServerKeyExchange can be validated, and of course the
    attacker server does not have the legitimate server's key. However,
    the server can forward the ClientHello to the legitimate server,
    capture the Certificate and ServerKeyExchange and the proxy those to
    the client. This looks legitimate to the inspection device and then
    the client can simply send the Encrypted PMS in the first chunk of
    data that is apparently encrypted under the server's key.

    For these reasons, being able to see the server's certificate
    a false sense of security, as this check is easily bypassed.
    I agree we should distinguish between between conformant and

    For the conformant case, I do not know to what extent we can rely
    on the client always sending the SNI, but even if it is always
    sent, there are still use case scenarios around certificate audit,
    etc. that cannot be satisified in TLS 1.3 without becoming an
    active MITM.

You can do certificate audit by making an independent connection and eliciting the certificate.

Not always. The certificate audit may be for an external server you connected to (outbound scenario). Even for inbound scenarios, you would have to ensure you actually find the local servers and check their certificates, which would imply a need for continuous scanning of all of your infrastructure. I guess it's technically doable (similar to vulnerability scanners), but it's difficult on an IPv6 enabled network due to the size of the address space.

    With the recently adopted proposal around SNI encryption, there
    are more use cases that cannot be satisfied without becoming an
    active MITM.

Yes, I agree with that.

    For the non-conformant case, you bring up some good points. We can
    reduce the set of bypass scenarios there, but we cannot eliminate

I'm not persuaded that you can meaningfully reduce them. What technical approach do you believe would do so?

Let me rephrase that: A determined attacker will be able to bypass the above mechanism, however what we see in practice today is that malware is increasingly using TLS to hide command and control traffic (not to mention that it often gets downloaded over a TLS protected session to begin with). I am not aware of specific examples of malware that try to bypass inspection using techniques as described above (nor have I looked), but it's certainly possible. There are other discrepancies that will show up though when you start looking at the actual destination reached and possibly do other analysis over the (encrypted) session.


-- Flemming


    Thanks again for the feedback - we will update accordingly in the
    next version of the draft.

    -- Flemming


    [0] Note: the use of static DH is very rare.

    On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 6:49 PM, Nancy Cam-Winget (ncamwing)
    <ncamw...@cisco.com <mailto:ncamw...@cisco.com>> wrote:


        @IETF99, awareness was raised to some of the security WGs
        (thanks Kathleen ☺) that TLS 1.3 will obscure visibility
        currently afforded in TLS 1.2 and asked what the implications
        would be for the security solutions today.
        an initial draft to describe some of the impacts relating to
        current network security solutions.  The goal of the draft is
        NOT to propose any solution as a few have been proposed, but
        rather to raise awareness to how current network-based
        security solutions work today and their impact on them based
        on the current TLS 1.3 specification.

        Regards, Nancy, Flemming and Eric

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