Hi TLS middle-box/middleware folks,

If length's MSB in a D?TLS{Ciphertext,Plaintext,Compressed} record is
set, how does your software react?

Is it going to drop the session/record or not bothering at all?

I'm trying to understand a bit better whether and when it'd be safe to
grab that bit and give it new semantics (e.g., for signalling the
presence of a DTLS connection-id, an ext-header, or anything else
really) and your answers would help shedding some (*) light on the

Based on previous experience on similar (but not identical) changes to
the record format, Adam ([1], [2]) suggested that this bit is likely to
have already ossified in TLS, whereas DTLS might be still OK.  So, I'm
curious to hear from those who own the boxes' logics if they share the
same opinion - in particular if DTLS is in better shape than TLS?

Thanks in advance for your time.

(*) I'm pretty sure not every TLS middle-box vendor on earth is
subscribed to this list and, even among those who are, not everyone
might be willing or able to share this information with the wider
community.  This is to say that I'm aware of the limited value a poll
like this has, but I'm not in a position to do a large-scale measurement
campaign at the moment, so better start from somewhere... OTOH, I think
there is a valuable discussion to be had in cases like this with folks
that don't own the endpoints but are going to (or have already) put
their logics on the e2e path, so hopefully I'm not wasting everyone's
time :-)

cheers, t

[1] https://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/tls/current/msg25299.html
[2] https://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/tls/current/msg25304.html

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