On 01/26/2018 04:26 AM, Alessandro Ghedini wrote:
> Hello,
> Here's a fresh new update based on the latest round of discussion.

Thanks, the changes look good.

The new note about "no ServerHello extension to echo back" makes me
wonder if (not) echoing back in Certificate should also be mentioned,
since the TLS 1.3 paradigm is that CertificateRequest extensions are
also "requests" that can get "responses" in the Certificate message.

I also wondered whether there was any sense in reserving codepoint 0 (of
CertificateCompressionAlgorithm) for "uncompressed".  I guess not, since
support for uncompressed certificates is implicit by means of not using
the extension.  But sometimes keeping value 0 (basically) reserved is
still useful.


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