On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 04:58:57PM +0000, David Benjamin wrote:
> To make sure I understand the issue, the concern is that your decompression
> function provides a chunk-by-chunk interface, there's a bug and the
> division into chunks produces a different result? Or are you suggesting
> that, with the same chunking pattern, the result is still non-deterministic
> somehow? I could imagine the former kind of bug, but I'm not sure about the
> latter.

As I read it, it was the latter: Nondeterministic result with the same
> Either way, I'm also not sure I've ever seen a TLS stack that processes
> messages chunk-by-chunk. Usually the message is reassembled from multiple
> records, if necessary, and then only processed when complete. I'm sure, in
> the vast space of implementations, such a stack exists, but it seems the
> same transcript consideration then applies without compression. Otherwise
> you'd need a correct streaming version of all TLS message parsing, ASN.1,
> and whatever else TLS calls into. Those are ad-hoc whereas decompression
> implementations are at least intended to stream correctly. (Then again,
> decompression is also a bit more complicated, probably.)

I think BearSSL processes messages chunk-by-chunk. I think it even can
process individual X.509 certificates chunk-by-chunk.

The reason why chunk-by-chunk processing is so rare is how difficult it
is to program.


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