On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 09:20:16PM -0700, Joseph Salowey wrote:
> 1.  Do you support the working group taking on future work on a pinning
> mechanism (based on the modifications or another approach)?

Yes with a caveat: I don't much care whether pinning work gets done as
an individual submission, as a TLS WG work item, or some other WG's work

> 2.  Do you support the reserved bytes in the revision for a future pinning
> mechanism?

Yes.  I prefer just the two bytes we asked for, but I'm also happy with
the optional up-to-255-byte hole.  I'm not at all interested in more
complex holes.

> 3.  Do you support the proof of denial of existence text in the revision?


> 4.  Do you support the new and improved security considerations?



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