On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 11:46 AM Peter Gutmann <pgut...@cs.auckland.ac.nz>

> Hubert Kario <hka...@redhat.com> writes:
> >but randoms in TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 are signed (effectively) with SHA-1...
> .... but with EMS or LTS in effect, with a lot more than that.

EMS does not fix the ServerKeyExchange signature payload. It's still just
the randoms and not the full transcript.

But, fixed or not, it is still signed with SHA-1. Ironically, while signing
the full transcript is indeed preferable, the SLOTH paper (see sections
V.A. and V.B.) shows how it actually then becomes *easier* to exploit a
weak hash function:

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