I can speak a little to how the reuse of keys will affect existing TLS 1.3 
proofs and analyses.

First it is worth noting that most TLS 1.3 proofs do not consider hash function 
agility, and say nothing about deploying TLS 1.3 in parallel to TLS 1.2 (with 
some exceptions like [1], [2])
So, the good news is that these proofs do not care much about how PSKs or 
signature keys are used in TLS 1.2.
The bad news is that this means that, in general, reusing the same keys in 1.2 
and 1.3 is insecure.
Even just within TLS 1.3, if we use the same PSK with two versions of HKDF that 
use different hash algorithms, we would need a strong “joint” assumption on 
both these hash functions.
Assuming that the HKDF hash algorithm is fixed (either by the standard or for 
each key), we can then use the Universal PSK trick to specialize the PSK for 
other parameters (such as hash algorithm used for the TLS transcript).
But from what I understand the HKDF hash algorithm is itself determined by the 
cipher suite hash algorithm, so I need to think whether the specialisation 
provides any formal guarantees.

Secondly, TLS 1.3 analyses that account for downgrade attack (like [1],[2]) 
show that the downgrade countermeasures in TLS 1.3 are sufficient to protect 
TLS 1.3 sessions, but only under some conditions.
In particular, [2] shows that it is only safe for an endpoint to reuse keys 
between TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 if
(1) even in TLS 1.2, the endpoint only supports PSK-based or signature-based 
ciphersuites (i.e. no RSA encryption)
(2) even in TLS 1.2, the endpoint only supports “strong” hash functions 
(3) in TLS 1.2 and 1.3, all the hash functions used within signatures and MACs 
are *jointly* collision resistant (i.e. you cannot easily find b such that 
H2(b) == H1(a), for different supported hash functions H1 and H2)

In summary, the security proofs for TLS 1.3 require fairly strong conditions on 
what modes and algorithms of TLS 1.2 can be safely supported by the same 
It is probably worth writing these down as security considerations, and we can 
quickly discuss this with the academics who did the various proofs.


[1] Downgrade Resilience in Key-Exchange Protocols (IEEE S&P 2016) 
[2] Verified Models and Reference Implementations for the TLS 1.3 Standard 
Candidate (IEEE S&P 2017)  https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01528752v2/

> On 20 juil. 2018, at 08:08, Eric Rescorla <e...@rtfm.com> wrote:
> Karthik

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