I’m happy to submit the draft as it stands. I think it’s covered by the 
recharter below under “maintain” the spec, though perhaps we should suggest 
that this is changed to “maintain and, as necessary, extend”.


On Oct 24, 2018, 8:20 PM -0400, Sean Turner <s...@sn3rd.com>, wrote:
> With the finalization of TLS 1.3 behind us, it is time to consider 
> rechartering the working group to address ongoing and emerging issues in this 
> space. Below is a proposal for the new charter text to get this discussion 
> going before we meet in Bangkok. We plan to have a 20 minute discussion 
> section on the charter in one of the upcoming TLS WG meeting sessions. If you 
> have objections to what is written, please raise them to the list; we will 
> track them with issues in the newly created GH repo [0]. If you feel 
> something is omitted, please also bring it to the list but also feel free to 
> suggest edits via issues/PRs in that repo.
> Thanks,
> Chris, Joe, and Sean
> [0] https://github.com/tlswg/wg-materials/tree/master/charter.
> Proposed Charter Text
> The TLS (Transport Layer Security) working group was established in 1996 to 
> standardize a 'transport layer' security protocol. The basis for the work was 
> SSL (Secure Socket Layer) v3.0 [RFC6101]. The TLS working group has completed 
> a series of specifications that describe the TLS protocol v1.0 [RFC2246], 
> v1.1 [RFC4346], v1.2 [RFC5346], and v1.3 [RFC8446], and DTLS (Datagram TLS) 
> v1.0 [RFC4347] and v1.2 [RFC6347], as well as extensions to the protocols and 
> ciphersuites.
> The working group aims to achieve three goals. First, to develop DTLS 1.3, in 
> a way that draws upon the design, analysis, and engineering effort put into 
> TLS 1.3. Specifically, the protocol should exhibit the following features, in 
> no particular order:
> - Encrypt as much of the handshake and datagram packets as
> possible to reduce the amount of observable data to both
> passive and active attackers.
> - Reduce handshake latency and aim for one roundtrip for a full
> handshake and one or zero roundtrip for repeated handshakes
> without compromising current security features.
> - Use cryptographic algorithms equivalent to those used in TLS 1.3.
> The second working group goal is to improve protocol extensibility, 
> usability, and deployability, e.g., GREASE, Delegated Credentials, 
> Certificate Compression, and Exported Authenticators. These working group 
> items will include a focus on privacy properties of (D)TLS, with a particular 
> emphasis on the following:
> - Encrypt the ClientHello SNI (Server Name Indication) and other
> application-sensitive extensions, such as
> ALPN (Applications-Layer Protocol Negotiation).
> - Identify and mitigate other (long-term) user tracking or fingerprinting
> vectors enabled by TLS deployments and implementations.
> - Consider additional privacy-preserving mechanisms, e.g., consistent
> application traffic padding.
> - Develop privacy-friendly profiles describing recommended usage of
> (D)TLS for generic use. Protocol-specific profiles are out of scope.
> The third goal is to maintain current and previous version of the (D)TLS 
> protocols as well as to specify general best practices for use of (D)TLS, 
> extensions to (D)TLS, and cipher suites. This includes recommendations as to 
> when a particular version should be deprecated. Changes or additions to older 
> versions of (D)TLS whether via extensions or ciphersuites are discouraged and 
> require significant justification to be taken on as work items.
> With these objectives in mind, the TLS WG will also place a priority in 
> minimizing gratuitous changes to (D)TLS.
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