Is the concern that servers which never renegotiate and do not send any
renegotiation_info are being flagged on ratings systems? That is desired
behavior. See the final paragraph of section 4.3
<>. Those servers should be
sending an empty renegotiation_info. "I never renegotiation" is vacuously
consistent with "all my renegotiations are secure".

This is important because fixing the renegotiation issue requires either:
- The server rejects *all* extension-less renegotiations, or...
- The client rejects *all* extension-less handshakes, including initial
handshakes <>

That second point means that clients cannot protect themselves against
non-strict servers if there are any servers which do not implement at least
the minimal version of the extension. Server implementations which fail to
send the minimal renegotiation_info extension on the initial handshake
should indeed be flagged by ratings systems and fixed.

On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 3:39 PM Salz, Rich <> wrote:

> I would like to define a flag that says "no renegotiation allowed"  This
> has come up (for pre 1.3 of course) a couple of times, that while you can
> signal "defaut" or "only secure" renegotiation, you can't signal "no
> renegotiation" in a way that is visible purely on the wire, to things like
> SSLLabs ratings systems.
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