The nuisance with just a flag is the client can't express [what I think
are] reasonable preferences. It should be able to say things like:

* Don't do X25519 + P-256. This is just silly.
* Don't do PQ1 on its own. I really want the PQ scheme paired with
something more established.
* Don't do PQ1 + PQ2. I said something more established, please.
* PQ1 + X25519 is cool. I like that combo.
* Don't do PQ1 + X25519 + P-256. Why are you doing three of these?
* Don't do PQ1 + PQ2 + PQ3 + PQ4 + X25519 + P-256 + P-384 + FFDHE2048 +
FFDHE3072, oww my head.

We can make things implicit by categorizing named groups and building all
this into the protocol itself, but I think that's an unnecessary moving

On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 2:48 PM Andrei Popov <>

> Given these options, I also prefer option 2, for some of the same reasons..
> For my understanding though, why not have the client advertise support for
> hybrid-key-exchange (e.g. via a “flag” extension) and then
> KeyShareServerHello can contain two KeyShareEntries (essentially, using the
> same format as KeyShareClientHello? This would solve the Cartesian product
> issue.
> Cheers,
> Andrei
> *From:* TLS <> *On Behalf Of * David Benjamin
> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 30, 2019 11:24 AM
> *To:* Watson Ladd <>
> *Cc:* TLS List <>
> *Subject:* Re: [TLS] Options for negotiating hybrid key exchanges for
> postquantum
> I think this underestimates the complexity cost of option 1 to the
> protocol and implementations. Option 1 means group negotiation includes
> entire codepoints whose meaning cannot be determined without a parallel
> extension. This compounds across everything which interacts with named
> groups, impacting everything from APIs to config file formats to even UI
> surfaces. Other uses of NamedGroups are impacted too. For instance, option
> 2 fits into draft-ietf-tls-esni as-is. Option 1 requires
> injecting hybrid_extension into ESNI somehow. Analysis must further check
> every use, say, incorporates this parallel lookup table into
> transcript-like measures.
> The lesson from TLS 1.2 code points is not combined codepoints vs. split
> ones. Rather, the lesson is to avoid interdependent decisions:
> * Signature algorithms in TLS 1.2 were a mess because the ECDSA codepoints
> required cross-referencing against the supported curves list. The verifier
> could not express some preferences (signing SHA-512 with P-256 is silly,
> and mixing hash+curve pairs in ECDSA is slightly off in general). As
> analogy to option 1's ESNI problem, we even forgot to allow the server to
> express curve preferences. TLS 1.3 combined signature algorithm
> considerations into a single codepoint to address all this.
> * Cipher suites in TLS 1.2 were a mess because they were half-combined and
> half-split. TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 said to use some ECDHE
> key exchange, but you need to check if you have a NamedGroup in common
> first. It said to use ECDSA, but you need to check signature algorithms
> (which themselves cross-reference curves) first. Early drafts of TLS 1.3
> had it even worse, where a TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 full
> handshake morphed into TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 on resumption.
> Thus, TLS 1.3 cipher suites negotiate solely AEAD + PRF hash.
> In fairness to TLS 1.2, some of this was a consequence of TLS 1.2's
> evolution over time as incremental extensions over SSL 3.0. And sometimes
> we do need to pay costs like these. But hybrid key exchanges fit into the
> NamedGroup "API" just fine, so option 2 is the clear answer. Code points
> are cheap. Protocol complexity is much more expensive.
> It's true that standards are often underspecified. This means the IETF
> should finish the job, not pass all variations through. RSA-PSS is a clear
> example of what to avoid. It takes more bytes to merely utter "RSA-PSS with
> SHA-256 and usual parameters" in X.509 than to encode an entire ECDSA
> signature! We should not define more than a handful of options, regardless
> of the encoding..
> On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 12:18 PM Watson Ladd <>
> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 30, 2019, 8:21 AM Scott Fluhrer (sfluhrer) <>
> wrote:
> During the physical meeting in Montreal, we had a discussion about
> postquantum security, and in particular, on how one might want to negotiate
> several different ‘groups’ simultaneously (because there might not be one
> group that is entirely trusted, and I put ‘groups’ in scarequotes because
> postquantum key exchanges are typically not formed from a Diffie-Hellman
> group).
> At the meeting, there were two options presented:
> Option 1: as the supported group, we insert a ‘hybrid marker’ (and include
> an extension that map lists which combination the hybrid marker stands for)
>                 For example, the client might list in his supported groups
> hybrid_marker_0 and hybrid_marker_1, and there would be a separate
> extension that lists hybrid_marker_0 = X25519 + SIKEp434 and
> hybrid_marker_1 = X25519 + NTRUPR653.  The server would then look up the
> meanings of hybrid_marker_0 and 1 in the extension, and then compare that
> against his security policy.
> In this option, we would ask IANA to allocate code points for the various
> individual postquantum key exchanges (in this example, SIKEp434 and
> NTRUPR653), as well a range of code points for the various hybrid_markers..
> Option 2: we have code points for all the various combinations that we may
> want to support; hence IANA might allocate a code point X25519_SIKEp434 and
> another code point for X25519_NTRUPR653.  With this option, the client
> would list X25519_SIKEp434 and X25519_NTRUPR653 in their supported groups..
>                 In this option, we would ask IANA to allocate code points
> for all the various combinations that we want allow to be negotiated.
> I would like to make an argument in favor of option 1:
>    - It is likely that not everyone will be satisified with “X25519 plus
>    one of a handful of specific postquantum algorithms”; some may prefer
>    another elliptic curve (for example, x448), or perhaps even a MODP group; I
>    have talked to people who do not trust ECC); in addition, other people
>    might not trust a single postquantum algorithm, and may want to rely on
>    both (for example) SIKE and NewHope (which are based on very different hard
>    problems).  With option 2, we could try to anticipate all the common
>    combintations (such as P384_SIKEp434_NEWHOPE512CCA), however that could
>    very well end up as a lot of combinations.
>    - There are likely to be several NIST-approved postquantum key
>    exchanges, and each of those key exchanges are likely to have a number of
>    supported parameter sets (if we take the specific postquantum key exchange
>    as analogous to th ECDH protocool, the “parameter set” could be thought of
>    an analogous to the specific elliptuc curve, and it modifies the key share
>    size, the performance and sometimes the security properties).  In fact, one
>    of the NIST submissoins currently has 30 parameter sets defined.  Hence,
>    even if NIST doesn’t approve all the parameter sets (or some of them do not
>    make sense for TLS in any scenario), we might end up with 20 or more
>    different key exchange/parameter set combinations that do make sense for
>    some scenario that uses tLS (be it in a tranditional PC client/server, a
>    wireless client, two cloud devices communicating or an IOT device).
>    - In addition, we are likely to support additional primitives in the
>    future; possibly National curves (e.g. Brainpool), or additional
>    Postquantum algorithms (or additional parameter sets to existing ones)..  
> Of
>    course, once we add that code point, we’ll need to add the additional code
>    points for all the combinations that it’ll make sense in (very much like we
>    had to add a number of ciphersuites whenever we added a new encryption
>    algorithm into TLS 1.2).
> Are people actually going to use hybrid encryption post NIST? The actual
> deployments today  for experiment have all fit option 2 and hybrids are
> unlikely in the future.
> My objection to 1 is it gets very messy. Do we use only the hybrids we
> both support? What if I throw a bunch of expensive things together? No
> reason we need a hybrid scheme!
> It seemds reasonable to me that the combination of these two factors are
> likely to cause us (should we select option 2) to define a very large
> number of code points to cover all the various options that people need.
> Now, this is based on speculation (both of the NIST process, and
> additional primitives that will be added to the protocol), and one
> objection I’ve heard is “we don’t know what’s going to happen, and so why
> would we make decisions based on this speculation?”  I agree that we have
> lack of knowledge; however it seems to me that a lack of knowledge is an
> argument in favor of selecting the more flexible option (which, in my
> opinion, is option 1, as it allows the negotiation of combinations of key
> exchanges that the WG has not anticipated).
> My plea: lets not repeat the TLS 1.2 ciphersuite mess; lets add an
> extension that keeps the number of code points we need to a reasonable
> bound.
> The costs of option 1?
>    - It does increase the complexity on the server a small amount (I’m
>    not a TLS implementor, however it would seem to me to be only a fairly
>    small amount)
>    - It may increase the size of the client hello a small amount (on the
>    other hand, because it allows us to avoid sending duplicate key shares, it
>    can also reduce the size of the client hello as well, depending on what’s
>    actually negotiated)
> IMHO, the small increase in complexity is worth the lack of complexity in
> the code point table, and the additional flexibility it gives.
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