As Barbara builds her confidence for the IETF list and while we have Mike's 

Mike, you commented "More, it is a lack of understanding of how things work 
within Enterprise Networks and the lack of Enterprise engagement in Standards 
Development processes. And finally, this may not be a gap that the IETF should 
care about or address, but someone should, IMHO."

I wanted to +1 on to Barbara's message - many of us will say - "we do care". As 
IETF is "huge" (for many operators/users that is the biggest bottleneck on 
participating), not sure if you follow the ops area (I'm a routing AD, but ops 
always has my attention😊), they have several documents on enterprises. 
Currently a document on the impact of TLS1.3 on operational network security 
practices. They also have an IPv6 one. I think in all the Areas (I know best 
the routing area), we encourage operators and users to participate. If you have 
suggestions - we are interested.

How to increase visibility? Do you have suggestions? Liaisons? ISOC? When 
RFC7381 (Enterprise IPv6) was done, it was an ISOC blog:

Possibly this draft should be a blog? Suggestions?

Thanks again for the interesting thread-
for some humor - I'm still stumbling on the draft's requirement "Pragmatically, 
clients MUST NOT send". I'm not sure operationally how to ensure pragmatic 
client behavior - maybe a "pragmatic client" profile😊 I'll save that question 
for my ballot comment. And of course a google of pragmatic is very entertaining:

-----Original Message-----
From: last-call <> On Behalf Of STARK, BARBARA H
Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 12:03 PM
To: 'Watson Ladd' <>; 'Ackermann, Michael' 
Cc: 'Peter Gutmann' <>; 'Eliot Lear' 
<>; '' <>; 
'' <>; 
<>; '' <>
Subject: Re: [Last-Call] [TLS] Last Call: 
<draft-ietf-tls-oldversions-deprecate-09.txt> (Deprecating TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1) 
to Best Current Practice

Ow! Mike is my friend. Don't go dissing my friend!

I think the problem in communication we've just experienced is because Mike 
strayed away from Last Call discussion on a specific document, to 
asking/discussing a more general question of how IETF can better communicate 
with enterprises and perhaps even engage with enterprises to make it easier to 
operationalize protocols inside enterprise networks. I didn't see Mike 
suggesting any changes to the draft in Last Call, relevant to this question. ?

I'd like to suggest that maybe we could discuss this a little more on the ietf 
list? But not here.
I'll see what happens if I start a thread over there ( ...

[Let me drum up my courage first. Thinking about posting to that list is much 
more stressful to me than, for example, thinking about bungie jumping off the 
Macau Tower -- an experience I highly recommend.]

> > Barbara,
> > Thanks.
> > And I think I was aware of all you state below regarding TLS, and apologize
> for any related confusion regarding IPv6, even though, for the purposes of
> my comment, they are similar.
> >
> >
> > I don't disagree with anything you say on the TLS subject,  which is
> essentially that prior versions of TLS may be considered insecure, etc.  and
> should be deprecated.....
> Shouldn't we publish a document saying that? It seems this would
> represent consensus, even your view of the issue.
> >
> > My associated point is that Enterprises are generally not aware of this and
> that it is not currently on our Planning or Budget Radars.
> TLS 1.2 has been around for how many years? All versions of OpenSSL
> without support have been EOL for some time. How many other CVE remain
> to be found in them? FIPS, PCI etc are all very clear that old TLS is
> going away. Browsers have supported TLS 1.2 for years. So has Windows.
> This depreciation should be easy given the extent of support for TLS
> 1.2.
> I bet that most services you run are already using TLS 1.2 or even 1.3
> because the client and server have been updated.
> > Further, this means we are potentially years from effectively and
> operationally addressing such issues.
> Let's be about it.
> >    And we must do so in conjunction with Partners, Clouds, Clients and
> others.
> > And my general, overall point is that the answer to addressing the above is
> to find way(s) of making Enterprises aware and possibly assisting with
> methods of addressing.     I think I also said this  problem is not unique to 
> or IPv6.      More, it is a lack of understanding of how things work within
> Enterprise Networks and the lack of Enterprise engagement in Standards
> Development processes.
> > And finally, this may not be a gap that the IETF should care about or
> address, but someone should, IMHO.
> Your argument against the current text seems to be the following: we
> have a problem. It is inconvenient for me that you will ask me to deal
> with the problem. Therefore I would like the problem to not be
> acknowledged.
> Perhaps I am being too uncharitable. But I fail to see how softening
> the language eases depreciation, or what the consequence you fear
> happening are. You're free to continue ignoring the RFC series. But
> reality does not go away if it is ignored.
> Sincerely,
> Watson Ladd
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Mike
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